Portfolio: Child & Youth Studies: School, Family & Self

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My ISM requires the synthesis of the specific disciplinary areas of psychology and sociology. The three social pillars I will be focusing on all coincide with these disciplines as all these pillars are affected by psychological and sociological phenomenons. These pillars are school, family, and the self as depicted in my major’s title. Each of these pillars greatly influence one another and contribute to the overall mental health of children and adolescents. This ISM will give me the opportunity to learn more about fields that will greatly influence my future as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I want to help others, specifically youth who are experiencing stressors in their lives relative to school, family and their psyche. Becoming a Licensed Social Worker is my goal as a career but it’s not my overarching goal in life. That goal is to truly make a difference in the lives of children and young adults as well as their families.
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